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North Korea Democratic Elections

Financial Times

North Korea Mentions Dissenting Votes in Elections, Signaling Possible Reform

Dissenting Votes in Recent Elections Highlight Changes in North Korean Election Process

SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) — North Korea made a rare mention on Tuesday of dissenting votes in recent elections, marking potential changes in its electoral process.

Dissenting Votes in Local Elections

According to the North Korean news agency KCNA, there were dissenting votes cast against candidates for deputies to local people's assemblies in Pyongyang and other cities on November 28.

This revelation is significant as dissenting votes have been virtually unheard of in North Korea's tightly controlled elections. The previous mention of dissenting votes in the North Korean media was in 2014.

Electoral Reforms in North Korea

The mention of dissenting votes suggests that North Korea is undergoing some electoral reforms. In recent months, the country has introduced a new electoral law that includes a provision for secret ballots, potentially allowing voters greater freedom of choice.

Additionally, North Korea has increased the number of candidates running for each seat, providing voters with a wider range of options.

Significance of the Changes

If the electoral changes continue, they could have significant implications for the country's political landscape. Greater voter participation and transparency could lead to a more representative government and increased accountability.

However, it remains to be seen whether North Korea will fully embrace electoral reform or if these changes are merely superficial.

Foreign Policy
